
Over the recent years, the process mining group of Fraunhofer FIT has initiated a number of process mining related initiatives, ranging from expert centers on the application of process mining to the development of various process mining technologies.

Here you can find a brief overview of the different initiatives of the process mining group.

Cortado – Interactive Process Discovery

Process mining techniques allow analyzing the event data generated and recorded during the execution of (business) processes to gain insights. Process discovery is a key discipline in process mining that comprises the discovery of process models on the basis of the recorded event data. Most process discovery algorithms work in a fully automated fashion. However, recent work indicates that the integration of domain knowledge in (semi-)automated process discovery algorithms often enhances the quality of the process models discovered. Our process mining software solution, i.e., Cortado is a novel process discovery tool that leverages domain knowledge while incrementally discovering a process model from given event data.


Center for Process Intelligence (CPI) – Advanced Process Mining Analytics

The mission of the Center for Process Intelligence (CPI) is to help organizations achieve operational excellence and to execute frictionless and highly digital processes. We use state-of-the art process mining solutions that go beyond the "status quo" offered by commercial process mining vendors. Due to our collaboration with our colleagues of the business informatics group of Fraunhofer FIT we are able to truly turn event data into actionable business insights.


Process Mining for Python (PM4Py) – Leading Open Source Process Mining Library

The PM4Py library is the leading open-source process mining platform, written in python. The library implements numerous state-of-the-art process mining algorithms based on their corresponding academic articles. The library is completely open-source (GPL) and available on github ( Various companies use PM4Py for their process mining analysis. Furthermore, the library is re-licensable for closed-source usage.
