Blockchain for Education – Lifelong learning passport

The project Blockchain for Education studies how counterfeit protection as well as secure access and secure management of digital certificates could be implemented according to the needs of learners, companies, education institutions and certification authorities.
For this purpose a platform based on blockchain technology will be developed. The platform enables learners to present their digital certificates and supports certification authorities in management and archiving of digital certificates. The blockchain enables the tamper-proof archiving of certificates and their correct and permanent allocation to the learners.
Examples for use cases:
We implement an open platform that can be extended by other partners as well. If you are interested in cooperating, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Fraunhofer FIT coordinates the project and leads the development of the platform. Other partners are Fraunhofer Academy und Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security AISEC. Application partners are the Fraunhofer Personnel Certification Authority at Fraunhofer FIT and Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM as well as selected certified persons.