Research & Projects

The primary research objective of the Human-Centered Engineering & Design (HCED) department is to develop and design the »technologies of the future« – fitting the contexts of stakeholders. We consider these contexts from a holistic perspective, so that our interactive products and associated services can be seamlessly integrated throughout their entire lifecycle into the lives of our users and clients. 


We also conduct large-scale collaborative research projects through our extensive, worldwide network of research institutions and universities. In doing so, we share and expand our knowledge in applied research and work with our customers in industry to design customized, practical, user-centered solutions that always reflect modern state of the art technology.

Projects of the HCED department

More information on individual research projects, related publications and participating researchers can be found here.

Current Projects


Datenraum Kultur – the national Data Space Culture project

A flagship project of the national digital strategy for reliable and trustworthy networking of cultural offerings. Pioneering technologies facilitate the accessibility and reuse of data in this diverse area.



We are researching a powerful tool for companies in the meat industry. Our goal is to make the verification of animal welfare requirements reliable and resource-oriented. The animal welfare AI is primarily used in video observation. It aims to improve internal controls in line with data protection regulations.


Mittelstand-Digital Center WertNetzWerke

The competence center WertNetzWerke supports small and medium-sized enterprises in sustainable digitization. In exciting praxis projects, events and knowledge services, we show you how to profit from digital alliances. Our offerings are vendor-neutral and free of charge for medium-sized companies.


SAM Smart

Usually, smart home devices do not provide overall information about their security measures. This BMBF-funded project concerns a voice assistant which recognizes low data protection and presents solutions to improve it.


Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Ländliche Regionen

The digitization of medium-sized companies poses a major challenge, especially for rural companies. A lack of fundamentals in rural areas further complicates the hurdles. The Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Ländliche Regionen provides medium-sized companies in rural regions with a center focused on them with solutions and services for their specific requirements and problems.



The Horizon 2020-project AllData4GreenDeal (AD4GD) aims to improve the international collaboration in targeting ecological problems by identifying possible hindrances in data exchange. AD4GD especially focuses on interoperable data usage between institutions.



Together with four partners nationwide, we are creating an AI-supported platform which helps discover production errors early. The project tackles the tracing of goods and the quality management of foodstuffs.  



A web platform is being developed in the ParkProReakt project, which is intended to provide extensive knowledge about Parkinson's disease. On the digital platform, patients can not only exchange information with their doctors, but also receive support for self-help. In addition, a mobile application will be developed in conjunction with a wearable (e.g., a smartwatch), to track certain values of patients and transmit them directly to the attending physician.



In the knowlEdge project, Fraunhofer FIT is working with 12 EU partners under the management of VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland to develop a safe AI system to improve industrial manufacturing processes.



Digital voice assistants have found their way into many households as useful everyday helpers. As practical and useful as they are, they lack an important focus on protecting privacy. These devices collect enormous amounts of data and increase the security risk of data misuse by third parties. We are working with partners to develop an online platform to support consumers in exercising their GDPR rights.



In the GECKO project, Fraunhofer FIT is working on a new EU-wide fellowship program together with an international partner network led by the University of Siegen. The goal is to investigate how artificial intelligence can help support the energy transition for a more sustainable society.  



In the Horizon 2020 project PRODUCE, we are developing an innovative social production platform. It will enable interaction and collaboration between makers, consumers, and small and medium enterprises in production as well as create space for user-driven, open innovation and co-creation.



With DEMETER, we are promoting digitalization in the agriculture and food sector. Digital technologies are developed and tested specifically for the requirements in agriculture in order to optimize them efficiently and sustainably along the value chain in the long-term.



The EFPF project focuses on developing an intelligent enterprise network and a digital platform to connect stakeholders in the field of digital manufacturing. The platform enables system integrators and developers to experiment with disruptive approaches and develop innovative, customized solutions for specific problem situations.


SynErgie II

SynErgie is dedicated to exploring how a flexible alignment of industrial processes can balance to the power system. In this context, wen are adapting energy requirements to identify key industrial processes which can be used to balance the fluctuating energy supply.



The research platform, SPIRIT, was developed together with the Colombian Insitute for the Plastic and Rubber Research and Training (ICIPC). With this platform, we want to strengthen international collaboration in science, technology and innovation. The project focuses on searching for IT-based, sustainable solutions in the fields of plastics, packaging and product design. 

Successfully Completed Projects

Energy efficiency and smart environments

Internet of things

Emergency response

HCI and multimodal assistance