E-Learning Environment for Deaf Adults

Aachener Internet-Lernsoftware zur Berufsqualifizierung von Gehörlosen – AILB III helps deaf young adults to acquire key qualifications using sign language in self-paced learning, in order to better prepare them for the labor market. AILB II features full bi-linguality - written language and sign language videos.
The new Vibelle portal presents visual information on jobs and learning. It was launched in 2007 and attracts a rapidly growing audience. Vibelle provides a number of knowledge modules and several communication tools, e.g. a sign language forum, video conferencing and video mail functionality. In all, more than 2,000 content pages including over 10,000 sign language videos were produced for Vibelle in 2007.
For the technical side of creating and running Vibelle, we teamed up with our Cologne spin-off, bureau42. Prof. Ludwig Jaeger’s group at RWTH Aachen University provides the contents for Vibelle. The site can be used free of charge, thanks to funding provided by the Federal Ministry for Labor And Social Affairs.