The Advanced Training Portal in Sign Language

The DeafTrain portal uses a Blended Learning approach to provide information on the bi-lingual DeafTrain seminars and on current topics to its users, be they deaf, hearing impaired or with normal hearing ability. All content is presented as text and as sign language videos with subtitles. The seminars cover topics like conflict management, migration, raising awareness, interculturalism, media competence, conversational skills, classroom seminar techniques and rhetoric, all aimed at improving interpersonal and communication skills.
Besides information on its classroom seminars, DeafTrain's website offers E-Learning material and videos that explain specific topics. The instructors can use download areas to offer material complementing their seminars. An editorial team provides a constant supply of articles and video blogs on political topics, news and announcements. The calendar module has up-to-date information about upcoming seminars, talks and events on topics dealt with in the DeafTrain portal.
Fraunhofer FIT is responsible for the technical side of the DeafTrain portal, while the Competence Centre for Sign Language and Gesture (SignGes) at RWTH Aachen University takes care of DeafTrain's editorial content.
DeafTrain is a project supported by a grant from the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS).