Information and Communication Platform for Hearing and Visually Impaired Students to Support the Transition to the Academic Job Market

GATEWAY was initiated by the Institute of Language and Communication Sciences, the Sections Neurolinguistics and Neuropsychology at the Department of Neurology of the University Hospital at RWTH Aachen University, the Study Center for the Visually Impaired Students at the Karlsruher Institute for Technology (KIT), the IT-College in Putbus and the Fraunhofer organization.
The aim of the project is to establish an information and communciation portal for hearing and visually impaired students. The online portal provides accessible information about activities that focus on the integration of the two groups into the academic job market. The portal includes information about preparatory training, skills relevant for a professional career and help for career entry. Moreover, the internet portal aims at interconnecting affected people to support the transition from university to professional life and how to preserve the working place.
GATEWAY is a project supported by a grant from the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS).