Total Resource and Energy Efficiency Management System for Process Industry

The MAESTRI project aims to enable manufacturing industries to deliver competitively priced goods and services that satisfy human needs and improve quality of life, while progressively implementing smarter and finer trade-offs between business and sustainability aspects.
This is done by providing a management system in the form of a flexible and scalable platform to guide and simplify the implementation of an innovative approach, the Total Efficiency Framework. The overall aim of this framework is to encourage a culture of improvement within process industries by assisting the decision-making process, supporting the development of improvement strategies as well as helping define the priorities to improve the company’s environmental and economic performance. The framework development and validation will be based on four real industrial settings across a variety of industrial domains.
The Total Efficiency Framework will be based on four main pillars to overcome current barriers and promote sustainable improvements:
Over a period of 4 years, the project will deliver exploitable results clustered into technological outputs (including eco-innovative products, processes and services tailored to industrial end-users) and solutions (involving a combination of technical, economical, legislative and policy solutions).
Fraunhofer FIT is responsible for leading the iterative requirements engineering work and is one of the main contributors to the IoT Platform. The IoT platform will integrate key technologies from the LinkSmart® middleware platform. MAESTRI's results are intended to be fed back into the open-source version of the LinkSmart® middleware ( FIT will also use the knowledge and experience gained during the project to support SMEs and large industry companies through its consultation and training portfolio.
More information can be found on the website ( and on Twitter (