MONICA – Security, Sound and Service for Big Open Air Events

The European MONICA project focuses on security, noise prevention and managing streams of visitors to big events. By using sensor technologies and wearable devices the project aims to create "participating systems" that are immediately linked to the visitors, e.g. in the form of smart bracelets. They would, for instance, permit a real-time monitoring of streams of visitors in order to control and channel them and to give the director of operations and the organizers a clear picture of the situation in case of an emergency.
The visitors should also benefit from the wearable devices. One way to achieve this is by communicating with the visitors, e.g. using LEDs incorporated in the bracelets. A smartphone app tailored to the specific event will also add value for the visitors.
The consortium behind the MONICA project also works to optimize the sound design of open-air concerts. The aim is to place the loudspeakers in a way that creates optimal sound in the concert area while minimizing the noise in adjacent areas. To achieve this, sensors like precision sound level meters and wind gauges will be integrated in the MONICA IoT platform and tested in real-life environments.
As its test sites MONICA is using a range of big events in the cities involved in the project consortium: Bonn (Pützchens Markt celebrating its 650th anniversary in 2017, Rhine in Flames), Copenhagen, Hamburg, Leeds, Turin and Lyon.