eBook published
The path to a European Health Data Space (EHDS)
As part of the conference series "Public Health Research and Data Sharing" organized by Springer Medizin Verlag and Roche, a bilingual eBook on the topic of "European Health Data Space" has been published. It presents examples of data sharing in the health sector. The book is available for free download in Open Access.

Wind, sun, and water are the energy sources of the 21st century. But wind, sun, and water can only be used if there is an infrastructure in place to convert them into energy, transport them, and make them usable. Similarly, data requires an infrastructure that organizes it, makes it analyzable, and makes it accessible according to data governance rules.
Such an infrastructure is currently being built in Europe under the name European Health Data Space (EHDS). Health data are being used systematically at the national level - for research, for better medical care and for more patient sovereignty.
In a series of web conferences, Springer Medizin, together with Roche Pharma AG, under the patronage of Fraunhofer FIT, supported by the German Cancer Society (DKG), Data Saves Lives and TMF (Technology and Methods Platform for Networked Medical Research), used numerous examples from Europe to show that cooperation across national borders brings substantial benefits.
These are presented and discussed in the context of an EHDS with international participants from patient organizations, public health institutions, policy makers and experts from medicine and research. The publication is available as an Open Access eBook (English and German).
It can be downloaded from https://bit.ly/ehds-book
Bibliographical data:
Schehlmann M, Schirghuber E, Wittal CG, eds. Public Health Research and Data Sharing. Towards a European Health Data Space - Examples of data sharing in health care. Berlin: Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH, part of Springer Nature, 2023. ISBN 978-3-00-0766091. 104 pages in total, English book section starting on page 53. With links to the original lectures (video recordings).