BIMERR – BIM-based Holistic Tools for Energy-driven Renovation of Existing Residences

Project timeline: Jan. 2019 – Sept. 2022                       

Financing: 7 M€ from the EU funding programme Horizon 2020

Partners: 15  

Project coordinator: Fraunhofer FIT

Tasks of FIT: Further development and integration of IoT middleware, contribution to user-centered application design, ICT system integration testing & refinement, roll-out and deployment of the BIMERR tool

Project manager, Andreas Graf, is under pressure to finish the renovation of a university building. Construction has exceeded the allotted time frame by several months and has gone way over budget due to work inefficiency and problems with the fabrication of materials. Andreas knows that in his field “every minute counts” and the longer the project runs, the more he sacrifices his profit margins. After working several weeks overtime, the building reaches completion and the project achieves profitability, but Andreas realizes that things didn’t go according to plan. He needs to find a solution in order to prevent this from happening again, something to help him reduce the margin of error and be able to plan each step of the construction process more effectively. This will ensure the profitability and success of his future projects...

Workflows of this kind could be implemented in building planning in the near future. The construction industry has experienced many prominent changes recently through the development of new technology, specifically in the digitalization of construction planning. The industry is entering a "smart era" through industry 4.0, shifting the focus in the direction of data collection more than ever before. The continuously evolving digital age has allowed the industry to transcend traditional architectural practices and move towards a new tradition that combines architecture, design, and technology into one. 

What is BIMERR?

The BIMERR project, which began in early January 2019, is developing a software that changes the way architects and designers approach the planning process of a renovation. Digitalization plays a key role in this change, with advancements in 3D-digital modelling, making it possible for buildings to be constructed more precisely and efficiently. The ultimate goal of the BIMERR project is to optimize construction and minimize costs. One of the biggest challenges faced by building companies today is in wasted costs on re-design and construction errors. 

The BIMMER project aims to tackle these challenges and bring the industry the following key impacts:

  1. Reduction of the renovation working time of at least 15-20% 
  2. Integration of the BIMERR software into the market as a standardized tool for construction and renovation
  3. Creation of best practice examples for the construction retrofitting sector with benefits for the operators and associated stakeholders (architects, designers, planners, etc.)

What does the software do?

With BIMERR, builders can create a more concrete plan for construction, which as a result will positively affect all segments of the construction process. The software uses 3-D modelling to create a digital version of the building’s layout, seamlessly combining the digital and physical space. This technology will help achieve precision in the building phase as well as provide designers the ability to deliver realistic end-product visualization. Additionally, BIMERR will increase work productivity, better manage complexity, reduce project delay and cost overruns, and enhance the safety and quality of buildings. 

What is the contribution of Fraunhofer FIT?

Fraunhofer FIT fills the role of project manager and contributes to the integration of the BIMERR software into the construction industry. FIT will bring to the project its experienced team of researchers to help develop a valuable software that makes architecture easier and more cost-efficient. 

Active until approximately September 2023, the BIMERR project will launch three separate pilots in Spain, Poland, and Greece. 

Official project website: