Act instead of react with ParkProReakt

Project timeline: Nov. 2021 - Oct. 2024 Funding: €3.8 million from the German "Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss" Partners: 9 Project coordinator: Klinik für Neurologie Universitätsklinikum Gießen & Marburg Tasks of Fraunhofer FIT: Design of a mobile app for tracking patient values and testing the user-friendliness of the app |
Parkinson's is a complex disease with symptoms unique to every individual. Therefore, the neurodegenerative nature of the disease does not progress for Parkinson’s patients uniformly. It is impossible to predict how the disease will develop from the time it is first diagnosed. For this reason, regular, comprehensive monitoring of patients is necessary in order to be able to react quickly to changes in symptoms.
To do this, doctors need insights into the everyday lives of their patients. Since the journey to the doctor's office is challenging for many patients, examinations sometimes take place only once a quarter. In addition, new symptoms are often not recognized due to a lack of knowledge of the patients themselves, or their relatives. As a result, these symptoms are not passed on to the attending physicians.
This is where ParkProReakt comes in. Through the course of the project, Fraunhofer FIT and the project partners are working to develop a web platform, which is intended to provide extensive knowledge about Parkinson's disease. On the digital platform, patients can not only exchange information with their doctors, but also receive support for self-help.
In addition, a mobile application will be developed in conjunction with a wearable (e.g., a smartwatch), to track certain values of patients and transmit them directly to the attending physician. Instead of waiting for new information, doctors can react proactively to even the smallest deviations in the clinical picture. In doing so, they can adapt the treatment of patients individually, notice symptom changes at an early stage, and provide them with information as needed. These are some of the many advantages of ParkProReakt which would help to positively influence the course of the disease.
With ParkProReakt, the project partners aim to investigate whether a digital solution can help to improve the quality of life of people with Parkinson's disease. In the long term, the results of digitally supported treatment may also pave the way for other chronic diseases.
Fraunhofer FIT is taking on the role of application designer for ParkProReakt and developing the interface of the mobile application. To ensure that it optimally supports Parkinson's patients in tracking their disease progression, FIT also tests the usability of the app and adapts it to their needs. In addition to Fraunhofer FIT, the following partners are involved in the project: MVB Telemed GmbH, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Philipps-University Marburg, Practice for Neurology and Psychiatry Hamburg Walddörfer, Techniker Krankenkasse, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, University of Cologne and the University of Lübeck.